BB11 Update: Ronnie Locked in His Room. Rat Boy Found Out


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BB11 Update: Ronnie In Exile

A House United is Not Good for Darth Ronnie

Last night was an elimination night and two hot girls were up against each other. Bikini model Laura who is only semi-hot unless you’re really into bikini model/porn bodies and Jordan who is super cute, sweet as can be and apparently doesn’t get that “a quarter” of something doesn’t automatically mean 25. (Seriously, my five year old son can tell time better than she can.) I kind of like both of them for reasons other than the obvious eye candy factor and was upset that one of them had to go home, but it led to some serious fireworks.

We quickly found out that Hell hath no fury like a hot girl scorned. Laura wasn’t openly campaigning against Jordan, but she did a little checking, promising to keep Ronnie safe if he could swing the votes. He naturally liked the idea and went straight into his room to feel out some of his supposed teammates. None of them were too keen on keeping Laura, especially martial arts champ Natalie who flat our refused and then ran straight out to her handler Jessie to tell him everything. Seeing that the others were not going to go along with a keep Natalie strategy, Ronnie overplayed his hand. For some reason he decided to throw Russell back under the bus. This is an odd move since he could have had Russell on the block and out, but chose to put up Jordan in an effort to boot Laura. (Yeah, Ronnie prefers Jordan to Russell’s back door. Color me shocked.)

Instead of just saying that Laura had approached him, Ronnie tried to convince the others and Laura told him and Russell told her he had the votes to keep her. Kind of a strange lie and not a very smart one. Well the whole house gathers and starts tossing around Ronnie’s BS. They sniff it out quickly and Laura just won’t let him get away with it. She puts him on the spot and Ronnie folds. This guy may be a champion debater, but with no judges or rules to keep him safe, he’s helpless. He couldn’t bluff his way out of a paper bag and he actually turns tail to the HOH bedroom. I have watched pretty much every episode of BB every season (Except when I boycotted after watching Evel Dick and his soulless spawn run the house.) and I have never seen anything close to this. Ronnie was surrounded like a guy who has all of his forces in Estonia on the Risk board and just wasn’t ready to give up. He stayed holed up in the HOH room for days. Every time he comes out of the room, Russell shadows him, talks trash and clearly bullies him. Normally I would hate seeing someone like Russell bully a smaller person, but Ronnie brought this on himself, On the other hand Russell is hurting himself as well. When the whole house is aligned against one person, unless you are that person, don’t mess with it. Don’t set yourself up to be next by being a dickhead schoolyard bully. Oh and Russell, you didn’t “get” Ronnie, Laura did. In fact, if Ronnie had the balls he could go John Dough on Russell and remind him that any life he has in the game is a life that Ronnie chose to give him. (John Dough as played by Kevin Spacey in Seven for those of you who aren’t complete movie nerds.) Russell doesn’t know that had Ronnie put him up, he would have been out the door in a heartbeat.

The vote was a little surprising. Everyone rallied behind Jordan except Natalie who threw a vote for Jordan. Odd choice since Natalie kicked off the whole shit storm by flatly refusing to consider voting out anyone other than Laura. I would say she’s trying to play the game finally, but she’s still Jessie’s little lap dog.

The HOH game was pretty cool, but once again Jessie won. I think I threw up a little bit when he did. It will be another week of watching him flex, try not to show his track marks and basically behave like the utter pinhead he is. (What’s smaller, his dick or his brain?)

Thanks to Cindi from for the BTS spoiler updates. I was waiting for this fun all week.

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