Eden Wave Waterproof Rider



Eden Wave Waterproof Rider (Reviewed by Happy Loving Couple)

Overall Rating: B

Type of Toy: Dual Stimulation Vibrating Ring


Bottom Line: Tricky to Use, but Oh SO Fun

Price: $14.99 at PEXXX

Manufacturer: Topco Sales

Size: One Size Fits All.

Material: Waterproof Rubber

Best For: Stimulation of the clit and the booty during penetration.


This is our first review so we were happy to find a toy that is fun for both of us. The dual vibrating bullet cock ring fits comfortably with a little lube. We have tried these toys before and they are always a little tricky. Positioning and patience are the key. The ring fits snugly so it doesn’t rotate very easily. If you take the time to get everything in proper position the results are fantastic. Just don’t rush it.

Once in place, the ring has two vibrating bullets encased in rubber. These are designed to stimulate the clit and the anus. It also gives a little something back to him with strong vibrations on the balls. Once you get this thing in the right spot and find a good rhythm the results are fantastic. The vibrations are strong which worked for us, but the rubber waves muted them enough to keep them from being too strong. The wave shape worked well for both of us.

Weaknesses: Minor positioning issues.

Batteries Needed: Included.

Clean Up: Soap & Water.

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