Angelina Armani on Cover of Taboo Magazine & at Adult Con This Weekend


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Angelina Armani: Cover Girl & Adult Con Attendee

Taboo Mag Cover & Adult Con This Weekend

It’s just about that time of year. Awards are coming up and Angelina Armani has to be a front runner for New Starlet, Newbie, Rookie and whatever else we call the new girls in this business. This cover of Taboo magazine is a great shot of both she and Stoya. Angelina is also going to be at Adult Con this weekend so anyone in the LA area may want to take a drive to the Convention Center and meet her. If you do, tell her Rod says “hi” and that we’re all waiting for more shots in her Rog Rules T Shirt. (She really deserves her own gallery don’t you think?) She’s a really sweet girl and totally hot. I hope she does really well come award time. I’m right in the middle of Teachers and it is certainly going to raise her profile and make people stand up and take notice. She stands out in an outstanding cast as one of the hottest girls in the flick and she can act a little bit too. Bet you weren’t expecting that were ya?

From the Press Release:

TABOO Cover Girl ANGELINA ARMANI Makes Appearance ADULTCON Appearance!

The Triple X Supermodel promotes her latest magazine cover with a weekend of signings at Adultcon
(HOLLYWOOD, CA) Front running contender for an AVN Best New Starlet nomination, Angelina Armani ( has had an exciting year. From high profile adult movies to magazine covers, from mainstream recognition on horror/comic book websites to filming for projects like HBO’s Designated Driver, Armani has been a force to be reckoned with! Now the sexy Star Factory client will be meeting her legion of fans this weekend in Los Angeles at the semi-annual Adultcon (! October 2nd ” 4th Angelina Armani will be appearing at the event signing her latest mega hit DVDs; Not Monday Night Football XXX (Hustler) and Teachers (Digital Playground).
“I am always excited to see my fans!” said Armani “Even though they can always contact me via social networking sites, to meet in person is better.” This will be Armani’s first ever appearance at the convention and she plans to make it an exciting one. “We are going to have a lot of fun at the show! For fans that follow me on twitter,, I’ll be tweeting special passwords that enable them access special autographed merch!”

Adultcon takes place at the Los Angeles convention center beginning this Friday. More information about the show can be found on its official website Armani is scheduled to appear all three days posing for pictures, signing autographs and more.
Angelina will also be signing the current issue of Hustler’s TABOO which features the golden haired goddess on the cover in an uncharacteristically submissive pose. The issue itself features a multi-page girl on girl layout that is scorching! “I’m usually the dominant one when it comes to sex,” smiled Armani. “I love being in charge, but occasionally I like to have my hair pulled and my ass slapped.” Hustler TABOO is available on newsstands now and joins Club International, High Society and Girls of Penthouse magazine to showcase Armani on their covers.
Meet Angelina Armani this weekend at Adultcon and pick up her hit DVDs or grab the newest magazine to feature her on the cover, Hustler’s TABOO!

October 2nd ” 4th, 2009
Angelina Armani appearing @ Adultcon
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1399
Photos courtesy of
For more Angelina Armani, please visit and
A press release by

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