

-Reader Email of the day-

Cisco Writes
Hey Rog, Great site man I read it every day. Since we are both huge Aurora Snow fans I’m anxiously awaiting your review of Skeeter Kerkove’s “Ass Stretchers.” when can we expect that one?

Rog Replies Thanks for the kind words. I’m always looking for anything Aurora does, but don’t look for a review on that one. I hear that I’ve been ordered off the screener list at Sin City/Mayhem. If that is actually the case, then I’ll have to see if the local video store has that one.
– In case you didn’t hear, Tom Byron has split from Extreme and is starting his own company. I talked with Tom on the phone this weekend and he’s doing well. He’s really busy right now, but we have an interview penciled in for the second week in June. It’s good to see Tom back and ready to put all the Extreme ways behind him. No more static, just good old fashioned porn.
-I hear Aruroa Snow may have signed a deal for both performing and directing. We’ll see where that lands her. And if you’re casting…well hey, you have my number.

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