Reader Email: Katja Kassin & David Aaron Clark


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Reader Email: Katja & DAC

Heavy Hearts & Deep Thoughts

Time for some reader email again. Reader X has given us some great topics in the past and he has a couple of good ones now as well.

Reader X Writes:

Hey Rog
I was wondering if you had any thoughts about Katja Kassin now that’s she’s posted her farewell to the industry on adt. I always thought she was a strong performer, and I’ll miss her. Also David Aaron Clark just passed, RIP, and I thought you might have some insightful thoughts.

Thanks for the topics X.

First regarding the retirement of Katja Kassin: (Read the whole thing here) What is there to say but bravo and good for her. Katja is a beautiful woman and a great performer. She has been one of the most consistently hot women in our industry for seven years. Her ass is unforgettable and arguably one of the best in the history of porn. Combining her looks, incredible natural assets and great energy she has forged her way into the hearts and hard ons of porn fans. Now she is ready to go and while I am sad to see her step away, I am happy that she is doing so on her own terms and wish her the very best in everything she does. I hope she knows just how much her work is appreciated and how much porn fans love her. She is truly a hall of fame worthy performer.

As for DAC, this is a tough one. I’ve known David for a number of her years and always found him to be an interesting and kind person. His work was sometimes a strange trip into his mind, but you could always feel the passion he held for the material. I loved his visual style and feel that he offered a truly creative voice to an industry that too often takes the easy way out. On a personal note I always found myself in the middle of interesting conversations when I crossed paths with David. He had a way of making you think and had a great sense of humor. I wrote a few years ago in a review that after seeing “Neu Wave Hookers” I owed DAC an apology for every referring to his work as “pretentious.” When he read that, he dropped me a line letting me know that it made him smile and that he would accept my apology. More recently DAC and I had an amusing exchange on Facebook. I could also count on solid input from him and I will miss his presence in my life. I only hope that he realized just how respected and liked he was by those who worked with him and those lucky enough to know him.

So we wish a fond farewell to both Katja and DAC as they move on to what is next. They will both be missed and their unique qualities made porn a little better. Good luck Katja and God Bless David.

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