Praise for Triangle Film’s River Rock Women’s Prison in a non-porn review


Triangle Film’s River Rock Women’s Prison Praised

Praise From a Non-Porn Review

Note: I’m not on the Triangle Films screener list, but this movie looks really good. Looks like one to pick up.

Praise for Triangle Film’s River Rock Women’s Prison in a non-porn review:
To say that ALL of the sex scenes in this XXX movie are a turn-on is like saying John Holmes has a slightly larger than normal dong. The women look like they are into the sex and their partners. Hell, it actually look like their bodies are turned on. What a change from the male influenced drivel that comes out nowadays. And guess what, no cocks to be found! I could really get into this “for women, by women” porn. This is Triangle’s first feature film, although they have put out plenty of lesbian erotica, and I am impressed. Not only with the sex, shock value and solid production values (except the poor sound quality, but I won’t go into that), but the artist eye of Annelle. I dig her directing style and sense of lighting, blocking, etc. She could have cut down on the MTV/music video-style post-editing, but even that (something that usually annoys the shit out of me) didn’t ruin the movie for me. If you are in the mood for something a little out of the ordinary, run-of-the-mill porn and/or exploitation, pick this up.

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