Sofi Ryan Rocks the Main Stage at Silk Exotic in Milwaukee Tonight


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Sofi Ryan Rocks the Main Stage at Silk Exotic in Milwaukee Tonight

(Milwaukee, WI) – The incredibly sexy Sofi Ryan is set to rock the main stage tonight, Thursday, April 19th at Silk Exotica in Milwaukee. While there Sofi Ryan will be available for lap dances, photos with fans, and autographs between performances.

Silk Exotic is located at 11400 West Silver Springs Road, Milwaukee, WI 53225.

“I hope my fans come out to party with me in Milwaukee tonight. We are going to have such a great time,” says Sofi Ryan. “I love feature dancing because it really is the only way to truly get to know my fans up close and personal. It’s a truly intimate experience that you just can’t get online.”

Originally from Seattle, Sofi Ryan started her career as a model for Playboy before taking the leap to hardcore. Just one year in, she was nominated this year for Best New Starlet from both XBIZ and AVN. The striking brunette will showcase her sexy curves with a show that blends her outgoing personality with erotic costumes, and sensual dance moves in an all-new feature dance show on the main stage.

For more information about Sofi Ryan’s appearance at Silk Exotic, the club’s VIP amenities, call (414) 462-74555. Silk Exotic is on Twitter at @SilkMilwaukee.

Sofi Ryan is represented exclusively by The Lee Network for feature dance appearances.

You can follow Sofi Ryan on Twitter at @sofiryanxoxo.

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