Stormy Daniels Truth Now Shipping!

Stormy Daniels Truth Now Shipping!

Signature fragrance is now shipping directly to consumers from It’s the Bomb

Truth3Phoenix, Arizona — What is Truth? Media bombshell, Stormy Daniels releases her signature scent, Truth following a viral campaign that according to Fox News and USA Today, successfully lit a fire across the World Wide Web.

Distributed exclusively through on-line retailer, It’s the Bomb [], Daniels’ signature fragrance is pheromone infused, decidedly gender-neutral and gently creates a soft, clean aroma that lingers long after application.

“Embracing your personal truth is the one thing that everyone can do to empower and enhance their own life. Whether it’s speaking out on personal experiences or pursuing the goals we set for ourselves with determination to succeed, we each control our own story and how it will shape us and those around us,” said It’s the Bomb Chief Executive Officer, Suzette Hughes.

Daniels personally chose the name of the fragrance line, which fits her outlook on the way she approaches her own life. Her 2018 summer tour across the US will take her to gentlemen’s clubs and retail outlets, while also appearing in multiple media interviews related to her recent high-profile legal action.

“I have reached the point in my life where I know that I am in charge of what I do and who I am. I have fully embraced my own truth and now I am sharing that empowering message with everyone seeking the complete freedom to be who they are. Honesty within and about ourselves leads the way to great things. ‘Truth’ is more than a fragrance to me; it is a symbol that will remind those who wear it that they are in charge of their own life,” Daniels observed.
It’s the Bomb offers an ITB Associates program containing extensive photo and video assets for marketing Truth by Stormy Daniels. Associate accounts are available through the site now.

Embrace Truth now and explore the entrancing visual imagery featuring Stormy Daniels, by visiting

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