Happy Memorial Day



Happy Memorial Day

We Can Never Thank You Enough

As we in America celebrate Memorial Day 2010, I wanted to take a moment to say a special thank you to the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces. In addition to paying tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those currently serving and putting their lives on the line deserve our respect and thanks.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of talking to a number of readers who either currently served, have served or have family serving in the US military. it has been my distinct honor to meet you and to see the sort of love and support you give you loved ones. Without their sacrifice, and yours, none of the things we talk about on this site would be possible. I can never adequately express how much their courage and sacrifice means to each and every one of us.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today and every day. Those who make this sacrifice to keep us safe and free deserve more than we can ever repay.
As we enjoy the freedom and prosperity, let us never forget the sacrifices made by brave men and women willing to lay down their lives so that others might live freely.

In honor of veterans past and present I have set up a special link code to the site below. For every sign up from this banner/link I will donate $10 to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. (It was rated as an A+ Veterans charity. If someone knows of another good one, I will offer a choice.) This is the first time I’ve tried this, but if it is something the works I will add other links for other charities. If you happen to join, please drop me a line so that I know if this tracking code is working. Hopefully we can raise some money to honor people who truly deserve it.

$10 for each sign up will be donated to charity.

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