Happy Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day

My Very Best to the Very Best

I promise this won’t be a long or overly sappy blog. I save those for Mothers Day and other such holidays. Instead I just want to extend my warmest wishes to all of the fathers (and grandfathers) out there.

I spent yesterday with my family and can’t tell you how I lucky I feel to have been able to tell my dad in person how much I love him and how much he has meant to me. Today I get to spend the afternoon with my sons, taking in a movie (Toy Story 3 of course) and enjoying them for the amazing kids they are. I realize how lucky this makes me as well.

I know that many of you have children who far away defending this country. They are never far from my thoughts and their courage amazes me daily. I know that they would do anything to be with you today and it is my sincerest wish that you will have many years to make up for the time they have been away.

My relationship with my father has been discussed at great length on this site and it has carried over to my relationship with my sons. I want to take a moment now to thank the many dads I have met who are not related to me, but have nonetheless made a great impact.

In the fifteen years I have run this site I have had the privilege to meet some amazing fathers. I’m sure I will leave some off as I mention a few so please forgive me. Jeff, Robby, Sherm, Paul, Tod, Patrick, Mike, Bob and so many others, thank you for sharing with me over the years the lessons you have learned and the love you have given and received. You have taught me much and I hope that your examples serve as a constant reminder of the father I want to be.

Fatherhood is a difficult job, but thanks to the great examples I have been given, it is one I take on happily.

Thanks dads…all of you.

NOTE: This is the link we set up on Memorial Day. I’m going to run it again today. It just seems like a good time.

I have set up a special link code to the site below. For every sign up from this banner/link I will donate $10 to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. (It was rated as an A+ Veterans charity. If someone knows of another good one, I will offer a choice.) This is the first time I’ve tried this, but if it is something the works I will add other links for other charities. If you happen to join, please drop me a line so that I know if this tracking code is working. Hopefully we can raise some money to honor people who truly deserve it.

$10 for each sign up will be donated to charity.


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