Reader Email: Time Wasters


Reader Email: Les is Wise

A Lesson Learned

A couple of days ago I posted a muted and censored response to a series of emails I got from someone who was rude, pushing buttons and just a waste of time. Even as I wrapped up that update I realized that I had wasted a lot of time trying to convince someone that the sky was blue when he was intent on believe it to be yellow. My friend Cindi from summed it up nicely. “You can’t argue with stupid” she said. “Just hit DELETE!” That about cover it.

Les had a little more to say and as usual it is thought provoking.

Les Writes

Rog: your blog on hate/fan mail exposes and gives a great example of what’s wrong with our society, education system, and social safety net. This country no longer differentiates between the helpless and the clueless. We spend/waste time in school on students that don’t care and don’t want to learn. This robs the students who really want to learn of valuable resources and face time with teacher.
The social safety net wastes valuable resources on people that are content to live on the government dole who are capable of supporting themselves, robbing the truly needy of the help they need and deserve.

You spent 2+ hours arguing with someone who wouldn’t change their opinion if the facts were driven into their head with a semi. When I decided to spend time with people who deserve the attention and not the people who need attention my life got much simpler.
As always, keep up the great work.

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