Gem Stoned Reveals Her Favorite Tunes to Fleshbot


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Gem Stoned Reveals Her Favorite Tunes to Fleshbot

AVN Awards Nominee Signing at MFC Booth at AEE

VENICE, CA – Music is an important part of most of our lives and sex professional Gem Stoned is no exception.

Fleshbot asked her about her favorite songs for their Fleshtunes feature and Gem came through with some terrific beats, some surprising even to her. So what does Gem love to listen to?

Artists included Macy Gray, Cardi B, Lizzo and Sublime. The self-professed “bratty stoner” loves a good groove and says reggae is “by far” her favorite genre. She said Sublime “always hits just right” and “Smoke 2 Joints” “is the theme song to my life.”

She is less of a rap fan, but clearly she can keep an open mind since Cardi B made the cut of her favorite tunes.

“It’s weird because I’m not a huge fan of rap or songs that repeat one word over and over again, but this was the first song I ever made any real kind of money dancing to and I always make real good money when I dance to it today,” she said, “so it’s quickly become a favorite through conditioning I guess you could say.”

Check out Gem’s Fleshtunes at

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