Exclusive BritneyDoes Anna Interview & Bonus Shots


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The guys from http://www.britneydoesanna.com
sent us these bonus shots to enjoy and also agreed to an interview. Enjoy.
Q: How did you get ahold of this tape?

A: Well, there’s this button on the side of the camera that says “eject”-

Q: Seriously.

A: I put some of Britney’s used panties under my pillow one night and the Porn Fairy left it for me.

Q: Come on…

A: Alright. As you know from the site, the amazing story involves a series of real dudes connected through friendship, relatives and a combined love of good porn, Britney’s beautiful breasts, which are so so very beautiful and can only be seen on the tape, Anna’s equally magnificent melons, and hardcore lesbian action…connected by all those things, yes and, blessed by luck beyond the greatest powers of luck in all the universe, these dudes found themselves in the right place and the right time not only to cash in on some amazing footage but, as all of those who have bought and viewed the tape already can attest, lucky simply to be able to watch it.

Q: What is on the tape?

A: Have you ever heard of leprechauns?

Q: You mean like the short evil thing in the movie with Jennifer Anniston?

A: Jennifer Anniston is so hot in that movie.

Q: Tell me about it. Boy, I’d like to fuck her.

A: I’d like to get her in a four way with Britney and Anna-

Q: What about leprechauns, anyway?

A: They say if you catch a leprechaun, he has to give you his pot of gold.

Q: Okay?

A: This is that pot of gold, my friend. Not only do you get Brtiney and Anna, and believe me that, alone, is worth any dollar amount. We’re practically giving it away at that dollar amount. Like a charity, we are. Like the Santa Clauses of Porn and everyday is Porn Day. Not only do you get the greatest celebrity sex ever caught on tape, you also get two lesbians who made their own fantastic fuck tape and sent it to us…I have only three words to describe what they sent: “Tennis Racket Dildo”. Not only do you get the Britney and Anna’s tantalizing tits, lesibians with implements, you also get a touching lesbian coming of age tale where two ever so young (but legal…just so barely legal) lesbians exploring their illicit love. You get all that my friend. 80 minutes of visual bliss. A pot of gold indeed. We’re the leprechauns and y’all caught us.

Q: Are we talking full lesbian sex here?

A: Not a dick to be found, no sir. Six, count ’em, six lesbians in three girl on girl fandangos!

Q What about these bonus scenes?

A: Every scene is a bonus and guaranteed to give you a boner…unless you’re a lesbian, then you should make us a tape and send it to us for B&A 2.
Q: B&A 2? What’s up with that?

A: Stay tuned.

Q: Why are the tapes only available for a limited time?

A: You never know when the Man’s gonna come knocking down our door. Do you hear the Man? He’s looking for us. Calling our name in the street. Knocking down doors with his jackboot thugs trying to take away your ability to see what you want, nay, need to see. Don’t let the Man beat you to the tapes. Once the Man gets them, they’re all gone. We’re going to keep selling until they burn us down, baby. But that can happen anytime now. Anytime at all.

Q: Well, I got mine.

A: And I got mine. Everyone else better get theirs soon.

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