Better Things
Sorry for Wasting Time on that Junk
Better Thing #1: OK so I spent way too much time on something that few of you care about and won’t be read by the person it was meant for. I apologize. I owe you all better than that. So how about this. I’ve been threatening to put together a porn glossary for a long time. As many of you know, this business has it’s own lingo. Many people have added to that over the years and this site is full of it….wait, that didn’t come out right. This site is full of specialized glossary items like A2M, mopes, RCA and some of my own like P4P, Triple-B, The Orenthal List and of course, quagging. With a new site design right around the corner I was going to stat on the glossary when that launched, but I realized something tonight. If I have time for those last two posts, I have time to do something productive. So if you have any porn terms on your list of favorites, send them over. If I list things you don’t get, ask me I’ll put them in. (Usually dated pop culture references.) I’ll get started on a little porno glossary.
Eye Candy Hot Girls are always better than petty BS. Audrey rides the BangBus, and a big cock.
Reader Email #1: Dave, the reader who suggested Britney Spears as the star he would pay 100 bucks to watch fuck, had more to say on that topic and the gas price story I ran over the weekend.
Dave Writes:
Roger, thanks for using my email. How about Jessica Simpson as well? I drive a 2005 Monte Carlo that gets 32 mpg on the highway. It has a 17 gallon tank. It really hurts to put gas into it since I am in between jobs and still making payments on it. I am sick of people driving SUV’s ( including Hummers ) that get 15 mpg on the highway. Those people are the ones that support the terrorists when they drive their SUV’s. Congress knew for 50 years that this would happen, and did NOTHING!!!! It is time to wake them up and start using fuel cells that run on hydrogen. Then we could run on water or an awesome battery pack instead of Arabic Oil.
Rog Replies: Jessica….good call. Somehow I would bet that Britney would make a wilder tape, but that’s just me. Good call on the gas as well. I’m all for people driving whatever they want to drive, but when you’re complaining about prices you should probably also be looking at a car that isn’t twice as big as you need.
Eye Candy: I just saw her in a movie and I’m digging Brianna Love today. Here she is from Wow.
Better Thing #2: By now you know all about the Evil Angel situation. Plenty of people are writing plenty of stuff about the case, the Bush Administration and all that. I’m going to take a different approach. I am in the middle of a letter that I will send to all of the major candidates for President. The three-headed Senatorial monster will get one as will the candidates from other parties. I want to ask all of them how they feel about Federal obscenity prosecution like we have seen against Extreme, JM, Evil Angel and others. I think it is important that we know where these candidates stand on this issue. It may not be the only factor in choosing a President, but I certainly want to make it one of the factors before I decide. I am wording it carefully so that it doesn’t come off sounding like I’m looking for one answer or another. I’m not going to say “Will you pledge to stop these horrible attacks on our First Amendment freedoms” because I imagine that would get me one canned response. Similarly “Will you continue to pursue these vile creatures in the name of our children” would get another. If any of you have any suggestions on wording, send them over. Also, I am looking for the best email addresses. I’m not remotely connected with any of the campaigns or parties this time around so all I have are the basic email addresses. If any of you know of any more direct emails I would appreciate them. If I hear back from any of the candidates I will post the replies. If this works, maybe we could all send similar letters to our members of Congress so we can get some of these people on record. Thanks in advance.
Eye Candy:
Reader Email #2: Les also had something to say on the gas issue. I have a feeling he might be willing to write his Congressman about porn.
Rog: unfortunately, our ‘nanny stare government can fix every problem that exists if we just get the 20% of taxpayers who pay 90^% of the taxes to pay some more” won’t be happy until we’re paying the same 6.00/gallon that Europe does. I travel over 9 western states and my gas bill is around 75.00 a day.
We blew our chance after 9-11 to drill in ANWAR, build more refinery’s, and begin getting oil from shale. I’m betting that oil is 150.00 a barrel after the election. Only if demand goes down will the price follow…except it will go down to 2.99 and we’ll think we’re getting a deal. I’m old enough to remember paying 24 cents per gallon.
And they wonder why porn is popular…it’s the cheapest form of relief out there.
Rog: Dead on Les. I don’t quite remember 24 cents a gallon but I remember it being “up” to 79 and I recall waiting in line for a long time on odd or even days. If any one of the candidates would talk seriously about reducing our dependence on foreign oil, I would listen. That means approving refineries, using our natural resources AND spending money on alternative fuel. Think of what a future where oil is worthless would mean. Thanks for the feedback as always.
Eye Candy: The lovely Aurora Jolie AKA Nikara paid a visit to Frank Wank. He has a great job, doesn’t he?