Adorable Ruby Rayes Turning Audiences On Worldwide


Adorable Ruby Rayes Turning Audiences On Worldwide

New Girl Makes a Splash

Wow, this cutie looks like she has a bright future. Sounds like she’s doing well and she certainly has the face and body to turn heads. Let’s hope we see a lot of Ruby Rayes soon.

From the Press Release:

Adorable Ruby Rayes Turning Audiences On Worldwide

Exotic El Salvadorian beauty Ruby Rayes isn’t just a starlet here at home, she is a phenomenon across this big blue planet with fans following her by Twitter and Facebook across Africa as far away as Egypt!
Ruby has been in the Adult Entertainment Industry for almost a year now and works on a regular basis. She first started in front of the carnal camera in January of 2009. She was working as a stripper and at that time thought it was an easy transition into doing porn. She is outgoing, bubbly, friendly, and adventurous and likes trying new things — and she absolutely loves sex!
The cute and sexy Ms. Rayes is co-host of Inside the Industry Radio show with Michelle Maylene and host James Bartholet. When asked what kind of topics get in the mix on Inside the Industry, Ruby says, “It varies, and we can get into some crazy, weird topics! We talk about things like porn parties going on, awards, and even things like how sperm can whiten your teeth.”
Ruby’s future plans include excelling in her career as an Adult Actress. She would like to be a contract girl someday and would enjoy producing videos and working in music production. This perky, petite, brunette also has some eclectic taste in music! She likes old school sounds as well as orchestra, opera, and jazz.
Ruby also likes to travel and states she hopes to tour Italy for a few months to see all the wonderful sights. “I think that’s the place to go for awesome art,” she says.
Ruby is currently working on her official website so stay tuned for the announcement of it’s launch.
Ruby will be at the legendary Stan’s of Hollywood Adult Superstore on Western Ave. in Hollywood, CA, for an in-store signing on November 21st. Press wishing to cover this event please call Galaxy Publicity.
Ruby will be at the Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade Sunday, November 29th with James Bartholet and some other lovely ladies as they host the TinselTown Stage at Sunset and Vine. Come on down early and get your spot at Sunset and Vine to join Ruby, James and the girls for the festivities.
For more information, or to arrange an interview with Ruby Rayes, contact the Galaxy Publicity office for more information: 310-652-0770

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