Let’s try and get a little porn stuff into the mix today shall we?
I just reviewed Andre Madness’ new flick “Valley Girls 1” starring Teagan. Anyone who likes the stuff Andre has been doing will enjoy this one. I still want to find out what some people have against showing more than 90 seconds of blowjob footage when we have such hot girls working meat. (Review up later today along with Hustler’s Asian Fever 17.)
Someone emailed me after seeing the new Michael Moore commercial. He went on and on about the press giving it a standing ovation and how courageous it is. I haven’t seen it so I can’t say, but if it is as “truthful” as his last movie or his last two books. (Which I have seen/read) then it is just another commerical to forward his bulshit agenda. (Always beware of millionaire leftists who want to take your money, but want to keep their own.) I will print the email later, but what I really love is how the talking pointing match exactly what a friend of mine wrote to me today. I guess marching orders work on both sides no?
I talked with someone in the business about the HIV situation on Sunday. I was gone through a lot of it and haven’t figured out what to re-cover. This source did talk about how he worked on sets during the quarantine and how production barely slowed at all during the “off” time. With rumors of people on the lists working in Europe flying around and the whole thing still ugly I’m not sure where we should go next. Four cases is four too many, but there are people who just don’t seem to care much about their own lives. What’s the answer? I wish I had one. Some of you have chimed in and I’ll put some of that together. It’s just ugly and I don’t know that we can do a whole lot to make it better.
Tony Randall is dead at 84. Though he had a long career, we all remember him best for “The Odd Couple” and for the fact that he had kids with a woman fifty years his junior.
David Aaron Clark sent over an email talking about his new project. You’ll be reading more about it later, but it’s another very hot looking Asian adventure. Hey David, you should have gone back to NYC with me. K-Town was a great place to spend…oh 2o hours a day or so.
Vivid has resumed production. A little sooner than the 60 days isn’t it? Oh well. All is back to normal in Porn Valley. No more problems right? Everything is just peachy. (Well, everything that we can’t blame on John Ashcroft right?)
Unlil later my friends, enjoy your day and don’t forget to pick up the four new Disney Treasures DVD tin-box sets, the second Speed Racer box and of course X-Files season 9.