Rog Blog: September 4th
Back From Vacation
Wow that was fast. I’m back from vacation already and the time just flew by. Though I kept updating the site with reviews and read the guest blogs, I actually took over a week off from reviewing for the first time in probably ten years. Every other vacation I have taken was filled with at least some reviewing. So that was pretty nice. I had time to watch some mainstream movies, read a couple of books, spend time at the pool, do some walking, take a few drives and just unwind. Since I’m sure you don’t really want to hear about my vacation, let’s get to the work stuff shall we?
Guest Blogging:
It appears that we’re getting better at this guest blogging stuff. This is the third time I’ve tried it and clearly this time it worked better than ever. A few people failed to send in their stuff, but we had more participation and better stuff than ever before. It will probably take me a few days to cover all of the so please keep the email coming in. Who was your favorite? What did you think of the blogs? Feedback is good people. Let’s hear from you.
First, the no-shows: I’m going to assume that I just wasn’t clear in my instruction emails or that something happened to the following people, Monstar, Wayne and April. Since I have a great deal of respect and admiration for all three I will keep the mocking to a minimum. It certainly would have been great to hear from them on their days, but we missed out. I’ll go ahead and extend an invitation for them to step in and promote their folks any time they want.
Tricia Devereaux: Tricia got the week of guest blogging off to a fast start. She sent over several pieces including an overview on the Evil Empire roster that I really loved. (Not just because of the super hot Rog Rules T Shirt picture she sent.) I loved the piece she did with Slayer and Darkko on music in porn. That is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for in the guest blogging. We also learned which girls will be signing for EA in Vegas in just a few months. Thank you Tricia. You gave us some great pieces and I’m sure everyone appreciates the effort you put in.
Ivan: Ivan sent over some very interesting blogs. I particularly enjoyed the one that recalled his first three years in the adult industry. As a fellow film geek, I always love listening to Ivan talk about movies and his passion for his own work is quite refreshing. I hope to bring him to a few ongoing discussions in further blog efforts.
Cindi Loftus: My editor and friend Cindi took her assignment to heart. She took on my favorite porn subject, alt-porn and went right to the guys who know it best. First she ran a few alt questions by me and then turned it over to a collection of guys that few of us have ever heard of. (OK, I know of most of them through a friend, but I won’t tell them who that is lest they give him the same cold shoulder they give me. Boo hoo.) Without going over every little thing, I’ll just say this. Good Eon, Winki and Naz for participating in what Cindi was trying to do. Malachi on the other hand kind of showed his ass a bit. I loved his “…not into the whole Rog thing” line. Man I didn’t know I had a thing going. That’s OK, the 10,000 people who read this site and actually buy porn probably aren’t into the whole “bad porn” thing either Mal. Get a sense of humor will ya?
Cindi sells me out a bit by saying that any critic who hates alt-porn is over 40 (not quite), old fashioned (if actually liking good sex is old fashioned, pass the rocking chair) and a “fuddy duddy.” (Kind of an old fashioned word there yeah?) That’s all right, Eon says that anyone who hates his movies is “taking porn too seriously.” Well duh, isn’t that our job? You know who else takes porn seriously? The people who BUY and RENT it. It is exactly this sort of utter distain for the porn audience that really makes me wonder what Vivid is thinking giving these guys so much money. I think they hate the viewing public more than I hated Neu Wave Hookers. Naz missed the point and used the tired “dated” card. That one has been used by every one of the handful of people who claim I just don’t get the alt movies. Brother I get it, I just don’t like it and I can certainly back up arguments better than that. Let me make it easy. I get alt porn, I just don’t like it. I never “got” the appeal of Vanessa Del Rio. Now THAT dates me.
Overall I loved this piece. Shots at me are always welcome (Aren’t they Bob?) and I have to say that I have a great deal of respect for Winki and the way he contributed to the discussion. I hope the rest of you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Let’s cut it off there and see what you all have to offer on the alt-porn discussion. Any comments on Tricia, Ivan or Cindi’s contributions? We’ll get to the other bloggers in the next few days.
Before I go, check out this cool thing. Alexa (Great tool bar by the way) has a sort of stock exchange for web sites. You can follow this link to set up a free account with ten thousand pretend bucks. It’s pretty cool and you can buy “stock” in your favorite web sites.
Until tomorrow then. Thanks for sticking with me and for all of the nice comments while I was on vacation. I’m rested, ready for work and set to put a whole lot of effort into this site.