Rog Podcasts: 2015 AVN Awards Voting: Part Three

Rog Podcasts: 2015 AVN Awards Voting: Part Three
In Part Three of the 2015 AVN Awards Podcast, we cover some listener feedback on all girl performers. We dive into the all girl categories, revisit a few of the Best Actor choices from yesterday and address a one-sided beef I brought up yesterday.

Podcast Three: 2015 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Three: Feedback on All Girl Performers and a whole bunch of all girl categories.

2015 AVN Podcast Series:

Podcast Two: 2015 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Two: Feedback on screeners and edgy porn. Best All Girl Performer, Best BBW Performer, Best Actor & Best Actress

2015 AVA Awards Podcasts Part One: Overview of 2015 Podcasts, Voting Rules, Suggested Topics. Sponsored by @sawyercleavage

This is our fourth year in a row covering the AVN Awards. This a series of podcasts dedicated to the 2015 AVN Awards, the nominees and the voting process. The clips will be here for you to enjoy. Please feel free to comment below or drop me an email with any questions or topics or thoughts send to or @RogerTPipe on Twitter.

As a voter for the past several AVN Awards, I have been lucky enough to take part in this huge event. The podcasts will cover the process as well as break down several of the categories. They will highlight some of my favorites and discuss some interesting choices and the “can’t miss” titles/performers from the past year.

I hope you enjoy these. As always, your feedback is very welcome. Let me know what you think of the podcasts, the categories, the voting, tell me I am wrong or just tell me how fucking great this whole thing is.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Ten: The final categories including Director of the Year, MILF of the year and Male and Female Performer of the Year.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Nine: Clever Title of the Year, Best Supporting Actor and Actress and all of the Transsexual categories.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Eight: Best Parody, Best Specialty Series, Best POV and Best Star Showcase.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Seven: Best MILF Series, Best Interracial Release, Best Marketing and Best New Starlet

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Six: Best Strap on and Foot Fetish.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Five: Best DP Scene and Best Drama.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Four: Reader Feedback and Best Director categories.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Three: Best BDSM Release, Best Comedy, Best Big Bust and Best Big Butt movies.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part Two: Anal Categories and Amateur Porn.

2014 AVA Awards Podcasts Part One: Overview, All Girl Performer of the Year, BBW

Here is the complete series of 2013 AVN Awards voting podcasts:

Part Nine: Best Star Showcase, Best Supporting Actress, Transsexual Categories & Clever Title of the Year, etc.
Part Eight: Best Marketing, Best Parody Comedy, Best Parody Drama, etc.
Part Seven: Best Oral, Best Older Woman/Younger Girl & Best Non Sex Performance, etc.
Part Six: Best Interracial, Best Music Sountrack, etc.
Part Five: Best Ethnic Lines, Strap-On, Foot Fetish and Best Gonzo, etc.
Part Four: A bit of feedback from HoustonDon and Julie Simone, best director categories , etc.
Part Three: Best Comedy, Best Big Butt, Best Boob, Best Art Direction, etc.
Part Two: Best Anal Series, etc.
Part One: Overview of the voting process, Best Actor, Best Actress etc.

Here is the complete series of 2012 AVN Awards voting podcasts:

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:
Part Seven:
Part Eight:

2 Responses to “Rog Podcasts: 2015 AVN Awards Voting: Part Three”

  1. Don Houston says:

    Not as much to comment on this time. I’m not an expert on Pro-Am/amateur titles but as you point out, some of the companies take great liberties with the genre. For example, in Fuck A Fan 22 ( the final three scenes with the professional female performers were with three regular male performers (Porno Dan, Scotty Lyons, and D. Snoop), kind of defeating the idea, yes? In other scenes for other titles you will see well known performers all the time.

    And in keeping with the discussion about performers that are openly hostile to media, including media like You, Gram and others that vote in various award shows, as professional as you are in terms of voting, there will be an impact no matter how even handed you try to be. Some reviewers are just less inclined to review titles starring such performers, others may be more political about how they rank them, and everything in between. It makes far more sense to open a dialogue and discuss what is the root of the problem rather than carry a grudge like say if your old pal Skeeter came back to porn. ;)

    In terms of categories, you passed up some “body of work” categories like best MILF, etc., will you be going back to tackle those?

  2. Roger T. Pipe says:


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