Fantasy Baseball Update: League 1


Fantasy Baseball Report

League 1 (Head to Head)

Mostly Quiet: Things over in the Head 2 Head league (League Page) have been pretty quiet for the past two weeks. In fact there have been no trades in the league all year. What the hell? I can’t believe that. I don’t think I’ve ever played in a league without a trade. Come on guys, it’s time to make some moves.

Trophies: We awarded two trophies this week. First was the Tera Patrick Pillow Queen award going once again to Tod Hunter. The TPPQ award goes to the team that does the least during the week. Tod still hasn’t named his team and hasn’t made a roster move yet. Until he does, the Tera Trophy is his. We added the Brianna Blaze trophy as well. This one goes to the team that should be good, but is underachieving horribly. When Will Carroll gave his expert opinion of the league, he had Steve’s Sunny Lane team picked second in the division. So far, the team has not been as hot as its namesake, struggling to a 12-25-3 record which is good enough to land him in last place. Trophies for the most over-taxed injured reserve list and the best trash talker will be coming soon.

Standings: It is still early in the season, but Kobe and Kinzie lead their respective divisions by a slim margin. Kobe tangles with second place Teagan this week while Kinzie’s slim hold on first place may be taken away by Ginger Lynn by week’s end. I hate to be the one who has to start the trash talk, but the teams ahead of me had better watch out. After I get through kicking the snot out of Christy (Up 9-1 on Friday night) I will be right up there with you guys. (There, the first mini-shot and no one died.) That’s all for now folks. We all welcome outside comments so feel free to contribute predictions, thoughts, whatever.

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