Rog Blog: A Few Final Words & Lots of Eye Candy


Rog Blog

A bit on Falwell and then Some Good Stuff

Thank You: Thank you all for the email Re: Falwell. The good ones are really too long to post and frankly I want to keep things positive. I did read that piece on Salon, thank you Paul. It was exactly the sort of thing I was talking about though. The man is dead. People disagreed with his ideas and his beliefs. (I happen to be included in “people” in this case.) I just don’t see the point in piling on when someone is dead as something that is even remotely good for anyone. I don’t expect anyone reading this to shed a tear for a man like Falwell, but I stand by my idea that we allow people to morn and give the dead, even those we disagree with in life, a moment of peace. That’s what I would want for my loved ones and for all of you, so that is what I want for the people I don’t consider my friends. Enough said, yeah?

Eye Candy: I have a note here about Melanie Jagger, so how about a little bit of Melanie taking on two dicks. Nice.

Paging Melanie Jagger: Does anyone know where I can get in touch with Melanie? A guy who owns a club in Vegas wants to get in touch with her about appearing there and I don’t seem to have any current contact info. I just reviewed her in Rodney Moore’s We Swallow 14 but I haven’t seen her in a lot of other movies. If anyone has any contact info that would be great. Or if you simply want to let her know that I’m trying to get in touch with her, that too would be great. Thanks in advance.

Eye Candy: Going back a ways, Teagan Pressley looking as fine as ever.

Flynt on Falwell: I don’t know what I was expecting Larry Flynt to say in light of Falwell’s death. It certainly wasn’t the following.

“The Reverend Jerry Falwell and I were arch enemies for fifteen years,” Flynt said in a statement issued this afternoon. “We became involved in a lawsuit concerning First Amendment rights and Hustler magazine. Without question, this was my most important battle ” the l988 Hustler Magazine, Inc., v. Jerry Falwell case, where after millions of dollars and much deliberation, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in my favor. My mother always told me that no matter how much you dislike a person, when you meet them face to face you will find characteristics about them that you like,” Flynt continued. “Jerry Falwell was a perfect example of that. I hated everything he stood for, but after meeting him in person, years after the trial, Jerry Falwell and I became good friends. He would visit me in California and we would debate together on college campuses. I always appreciated his sincerity even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling.”

Like I said, I don’t know what I expect from Larry, but I think he sums up what I’m thinking pretty well. If Larry Flynt can take a day or two off from ripping the deal, one would think that the pathetic poli-cheers could do it as well. (Yeah, I’m dreaming. The day the well-paid attack dogs on Salon and other hate sites take a day off is the day Skeeter Kerkove and Jules Jordan sit down for a steak dinner together.)

Eye Candy: Speaking of Jules Jordan, here is a hot gallery of the always awesome Luci Thai from one Jules’ movies.

Final Thought: I realize that a lot of you disagree with my idea of a grace period. I honestly respect your right to express yourself in any way you see fit. Just think about this for a moment. Take a look at the leading sites in this industry and what do you see? You see Kurt Lockwood taking shots at everyone. You see people name calling, sniping and griping about everything. You have companies putting out titles that offend and people from other companies putting up petitions to ban said movies. You see an industry that seems to enjoy cannibalizing itself. No one has anything nice to say about anyone. So I ask you. Why add to the hated and negativity? What better way to respond to the end of Falwell’s life than to show more tolerance than he did? Just a thought.

Eye Candy: Time to say good bye with a

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