Entertaining During Life In A Pandemic


Entertaining During Life In A Pandemic

Isn’t it shocking that a pandemic has hit the world out of nowhere? A pretty teeny tiny virus unseen by the naked eye has taken the world by storm and is causing millions of deaths. Amidst all this unwanted chaos; we have survived! We’re probably the first ones to witness such a havoc-wreaking global pandemic.

Since there’s no rulebook provided for surviving a pandemic; we are here to walk you through the basic stuff. Taking petty decisions like sending kids to school the next morning and going out on a coffee date has become so difficult in this ongoing pandemic. It has totally transformed the way of living, consumption and travel. Living during this pandemic has given all of us a rare opportunity to unwind and consider how we should be spending the rest of our lives.

Considering the Covid-19 pandemic has hit each one of us differently; we are pretty sure many of us can relate to this i-e not being able to entertain ourselves with the good old ways. Remember the times when you could simply head to an escort in the neighbourhood on a weekend night without having a second thought? Well, it isn’t the same anymore but this has given all of us the opportunity to explore the trend of connecting with an escort of your dreams virtually via various online escort platforms.

The New Normal

Wondering what the ‘new normal’ is? Covering your face with a mask is the new normal. Keeping a hand sanitiser handy. Maintaining a minimum of 6 ft distance, avoiding handshakes and exchanging currencies. Stepping out only when it is super necessary and following all the SOPs responsibly.

The travel ban and lockdowns imposed worldwide were impactful enough to make us miss our loved ones and realise how we had been taking each and every blessing for granted. Some countries just won’t let their people out and other countries aren’t letting people in. If somehow, you get lucky enough to travel, then you’re bound to be in quarantine for the next 14 days which is no less than a bummer.

Knowing the fact that this invisible foe has resulted in a dramatic loss of human lives worldwide, it is still responsible for all the technological advancements that were completely unimaginable before Covid-19.

Modern Problems Need Modern Solutions

Over the past year, people have sprung up with several innovations in order to cater to the life-changing challenges faced during the lockdown. From doing groceries online on a mobile app to telemedicine and remote learning systems; the Covid-19 outbreak has digitally transformed everything around us.

Students that were once supposed to be present in a physical learning room are now taking all their lectures, quizzes and mocks online. This transition has been incredibly fast and these modern innovations and solutions are here to stay post-pandemic too.

Urban Mobility

This pandemic has also reshaped our mobility for instance instead of making our way to get things for ourselves; now we have brought them all to us. These new patterns being set are not only convenient but sustainable too.

One of the biggest challenges is that for a lot of people this pandemic has taken away their loved ones, jobs and separated them from their friends & family. Life after being introduced to this Covid-19 would never be the same anymore. This phase has given every human being enough time for self-reflection as well as taught us how unpredictable life is. Questions including who we are, what matters to us the most, the value of things and people that surround us have finally been answered.

Exploring Interests

Giving a break from the monotonous routine, a lot of us got time to sit back and explore our new-found interests or work on the plans that were just lingering in the mind for years such as setting up a home-based business online that you had always wanted to but never found enough time to bring it to reality. Tech freaks and creatives found new ways to earn a livelihood.

Work from Home

During this pandemic, the corporate employees enjoyed the facility of working from home which was the need of time. Just like freelancers have the liberty to work at their own timings; a lot of workers were given the freedom to work remotely giving them a break from the daily hustle & effort it took to commute to work.

Virtual Meetups

While being socially distant from each other to limit further spread of Covid-19, virtual meetups are what has kept the interaction alive. Video-calling and keeping in touch with your friends and family had never been this meaningful earlier. The Luddites who weren’t familiar and initially hesitant with the idea of using technology to connect with their loved ones now have no choice other than to utilise the best technological gift during these testing times.

The Unseen Uncertain Future

Even after the fortunate discovery of Covid-19 vaccine; many of us still feel like their life has paused for a while. It is definitely fascinating to get vaccinated and do your part in reducing person-to-person transmissions however it isn’t the end yet. It is more likely to stick with us forever and we’ll learn to live with it sooner or later. It is assumed that it will turn into a much milder illness but it won’t just vanish away completely.

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