Late Night Mail Bag


Since I am up late….

Pez Writes: “Hey Rog, Love your site and I’m glad you’re doing so well on the Daily Noise show, but what happened to the other stuff you used to do? Where is the reader mailbag? Where are the fights? The politics? The Michael Moore watch? Don’t tell me you’re spending all that time reviewing porn films? How long can that take? Kidding man. Great site, just bring back some of the old stuff once in a while.
PS: Who ya got in the Smack-Off Friday?”

Rog Replies: Thanks for the support. You’re right of course. I have been slowing down on the mailbag and some of the other stuff. I have some awesome items in the mail bag, but I actually have been cranking out the porn reviews lately. Lots of DVDs, even some web sites and this week…my first sex toy review. The mailbag will be back this week, with something that might resemble a fight. (If I weren’t such a peaceful guy these days.) Politics? I have learned over the years to trust you guys on that. You can think for yourselves and so I can. I could spend time cutting and pasting every screwball link from sites that are as full of shit as anything on whichever wing of the nut tree you find them on. Remember, I’m not a bitter troll whose politics are controlled by blind hatred. I’m not going to play those games and pretend to be something I’m not. Remember, I’m a libertarian, not fake socialist. Then again I can also stand behind my beliefs no matter who is in charge rather than sell them out based on a little d or r next to someone’s name. See unlike some people, my position on allowing judges to be voted upon hasn’t flip-flopped in the last decade. Right and wrong mean more to me than politics, but hey, that’s just me.

Whew…Moore watch? Dude, who cares? Mikey shot his wad and is about as done as Barry Bonds these days. I did almost post a great story about how Air America is not paying people and stiffing employees on their bennies. I should check and see if MMHA is out on DVD though. That was a great little movie and not nearly as harsh as the title. In truth though, Mike is about as important these days as the winner of the Smack Off.

As for that, I hope I can listen. We’ll be running around town that day. I always pick Terrance and I’m always wrong. Sean the Cablanasian is a strong bet. Dude, SOOOOO many people have no clue what we’re talking about. (If you’re curious, ask….) I keep waiting to hear my man EvilEuro call in to run his classic smack. He would be a finalist for sure…unless he tried to run that soccer smack. Ewwww, flame OUT!

I keep waiting to see if things heat up around here enough to have a little smack hall of fame, but things have been so quiet lately.

Anyway, mail bag this week I promise. I have to get back to show prep for tomorrow and figure out which of the new drawings to debut first.

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