Rog Blog: Happy Birthday Dad


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Happy Birthday Dad, Reader Email

Happy Birthday Dad: It’s my dad’s birthday today. Not that a lot of you care I’m sure. But I’m honestly happy to have him around. I’m almost forty and a lot of my friends aren’t so lucky. Even fewer of them are lucky enough to have their dad’s still living with their mom’s. I’ve spoken many times over the years about the lessons I have learned from my father, how much admiration I have for him and how my greatest wish is one day have my children look at me with have the respect and love that I feel for him. Happy birthday dad. Your copy of Pirates is in the mail. (Thank you Adella.)

Eye Candy: Lots of POV movies out there so let’s look at Bree Olsen from POV Fantasy. I wish I was still getting New Sensations stuff. Those POV Fantasy flicks are fucking good.

Jesse Jane: It’s time for another interview. I’ve got a new one up with Jesse Jane. This time the audio and text versions are up at the same time so enjoy either. She talks a lot about Pirates 2, explains why her marriage is a good thing for her porn career and of course, clears up that whole thing about her owing me three blowjobs. It’s now just a matter of when baby.

Eye Candy: Just a bit of Crissy Moran for ya. Beautiful.

More Jesse: Good timing on the Jesse interview. Two weeks in a row it seems. This week, the lovely and talented Jesse Jane was named “Best Selling International Star” at the Scandinavian Adult Awards. That certainly makes sense. Why wouldn’t they love a tall busty blonde? The awards show took place last week during the Erotic Fair in Valby. (Why don’t I get to cover events like this?) (Because your boss won’t approve the expenses jackass.) It is annual show co-founded by and Pige Special.
Apparently it is a very democratic process as each Scandinavian distribution company gets to nominate a selection of their favorite stars and movies. Jesse was shocked and honored to win the award. Her acceptance speech was short and from the heart. “Wow! Thank you Denmark and BN Agentur. It is wonderful to experience your beautiful country and meet all of my amazing fans! I love all of you! Of course I would not be here without Digital Playground and Joone. Thank you again!” said the bodacious blonde babe upon winning. Congratulations are in order. Way to go Jesse. Thanks for being America’s number one export.

Eye Candy: More Annette Dawn from Twisys for your viewing pleasure. (And mine.)

Fantasy BaseballOK Guys, we really want to set a draft date, but need a few more teams to play. Even if you think you don’t like fantasy baseball, send me an email. You might enjoy it, you can talk shit all summer and who knows what kind of prizes we can come up with. We need people to represent the companies and web sites. Someone from XPT? How about you Luke Ford? Tod Hunter? Cindi? Why not someone from the alt-porn crowd? It’s FREE……and a chance to have fun as well get a little promotion going for your company, web site or whatever…..Email me with your email address and I’ll send you an invite. 3 slots left in one league, 8 in the other.

Eye Candy: I am in the mood for something beautiful so how about a movie gallery of Melissa Midwest. Damn I want this girl in the worst way.

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