Cherie DeVille Tackles Porn’s Latest Lies, Misconceptions in New Article for The Daily Beast



Cherie DeVille Tackles Porn’s Latest Lies, Misconceptions in New Article for The Daily Beast

(Los Angeles, CA / August 21, 2024) — Veteran adult performer and industry advocate Cherie DeVille is addressing the hypocrisy, erroneous commentary and selective criticisms of industry detractors in a new first-person piece for The Daily Beast.

The article, “I’m a Porn Star. This Anti-Pornhub Crusader Is Dead Wrong”, DeVille takes on the skewed narrative of anti-porn activist Laila Mickelwait and her specious claims within the pages of her book, Takedown: Inside the Fight to Shut Down Pornhub for Abuse, Rape, and Sex Trafficking.

“Mickelwait insists she just wants to stop child pornography and rape. Still, legal adult entertainers have long argued that her mission is a Trojan Horse to end the law-abiding porn industry and that Mickelwait couldn’t care less about victims,” writes DeVille, well-known to fans as ‘The Internet’s Favorite Stepmom’.

While DeVille and her current industry contemporaries can offer plenty of positive accounts of life within the law-abiding confines of the porn business, she says, “I doubt Mickelwait wants to hear from experts in the modern adult industry. And she repeatedly misrepresents how porn’s business model works.”

DeVille adds, “In the end, Mickelwait’s crusade puts the livelihoods of legal porn actors like me in jeopardy. She brags in the book about Pornhub execs losing their home insurance and bank access without acknowledging that her campaign also led banks to cancel legitimate porn performers’ accounts.

“She expresses shock that anyone would claim her campaign to get MasterCard to stop processing payments on Pornhub led directly to OnlyFans briefly banning porn. But when they did, tens of thousands of performers who depended on that platform lost their primary income source overnight. After reading her book, I doubt Mickelwait would care. If I learned one thing from Takedown, it’s that she only cares about herself.”

Find The Daily Beast article, “I’m a Porn Star. This Anti-Pornhub Crusader Is Dead Wrong”, at

Brazzers exclusive contact star and Lovgun Equity Partner/Brand Ambassador Cherie DeVille is available for booking through OC Modeling, and fans can find and follow her on:








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