Archive for 'The Pipeline'

The Pipeline: June 2007

That’s right folks. June is here. That means that a whole new crop of porn chicks will soon be watching their friends graduate from high school. Oh come on, I’m kidding. Some of them are sitting right there with their classmates dreaming of starring in a double anal cream pie adventure while waiting to collect […]

The Pipeline: May 2007

Whew, things are going way too quickly this year. Spring is in full swing and summer is right around the corner. This used to be a time when porn news slowed down, but these days there is always somewhere to rush off to. There is always a new awards show to report on, a new […]

The Pipeline: April 2007

Wow, April already. Time for the weather to warm up, thoughts to turn to baseball, BBQs and bikini clad babes. I already got my first taste of the season last week when I spent some time in San Diego. Apparently my home town is quite the Spring Break destination for co-ed hotties. To steal a […]

The Pipeline: February 2007

We’re only a month into 2007 and I already feel exhausted from everything that has been going on. That’s what happens when you start the year out with the huge Adult Entertainment Expo just days after putting up the new calendars. We spend the last quarter of 06 predicting doom and gloom for the show, […]

The Pipeline: January 2007

Welcome to the new year my friends. 2006 is barely in the rear view mirror and it is already time to look forward to a bright and new 07. With the turning of another page, the porn world prepares to take a final look back on last year, but kicking off this one with a […]

The Pipeline: July 2006

I can see by the long shadows across my floor at nearly eight o’clock in the evening that it’s summer time. OK, I didn’t really need the shadows. It’s ninety five degrees in my office right now if that don’t mean summer’s here then I must be living in the Sahara. The dead of summer […]

The Pipeline: June 2006

It’s summer time folks. Time to open up the windows, pulls the swimsuit out of the bottom drawer and enjoy the long days, warm sunshine and of course…the great eye candy. I guess that doesn’t help porn that much, but it sure makes me feel good. I little fresh air, a little sunshine and lots […]

The Pipeline: April 2006

It’s already April and I have to say once again that I have stopped doing April Fool’s Day columns. I still get emails about the “Traci Lords to do Seymore Butts movie” column and let’s not even talk about the “Rog to marry Aurora Snow” column. I had a lot of fun with those columns, […]

The Pipeline: March 2006

Sometimes I am amazed at just how quickly time flies. By the time most of you read this the year is will be approaching one quarter over. Pitchers and catchers have already reported and many of us are scrambling around to get our receipts in order in time for tax season. It’s been a very […]

The Pipeline: February 2006

Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a month since the Adult Expo in Las Vegas. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. (Or recovering from way too much of it.) As usual it was a great time in the desert with lots of good friends, great food and plenty of […]

The Pipeline: January 2006

Welcome to 2006 everyone. As the sun sets on another year in Porn Valley, we can look back at the best and the worst that the industry had to offer. We can also look forward to the new girls, talent movement and the trends that will shape 2007. (Five words: Porn For Your IPod) This […]

The Pipeline: December 2005

Hello everyone and Happy Holidays. We’re closing in on the end of another great year in Porn Valley. We have seen stars come and go, new companies sprout up like crabgrass and the continued rise of the internet as the primary source for smut. We have seen more people then ever buying DVDs on line, […]

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