Tag Archives: 30 Days of Music Meme

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 30

Eminem: Not Afraid. I realize (It’s not very subtle) that this is a song about drug abuse and recovery. I’ve never had to face those demons and with any luck I will never know exactly what he’s talking about. However, the song is universal enough to resonate with anyone who has had to battle back from anything. No matter what we face, we have to stand up and fight for the things that matter (“No more drama from now on I promise to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father”).

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 29

The Carpenters: Top of the World. This is the first song I can remember hearing. My mom played it a lot on an old record player. I have very few memories from our second home (even fewer from the first as I was two when we left) but two of them involve this song.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 28

Michael Jackson: Man in the Mirror. Maybe guilty is the wrong word, because this song actually makes me feel kind of empowered. I’ve never been a big MJ fan, but this song is pretty amazing. I know he didn’t write it, but I also believe that his mega-star status really gives it teeth

Rog Blog 30 Days of Music Day 27

Sweet Home Alabama Lynyrd Skynyrd: How can anyone NOT want to know how to pla this? It’s universally recognizable and just an incredibly cool lick. I would love to have this on up my sleeve. Any time you’re at a party you just grab a guitar and play two bars.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 26

Scott Joplin: The Entertainer. Don’t get too excited, I think I only know the first seven notes or something. I took piano for a few years, but was never very good

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 23

U2 All I Want is You: Already had my wedding, nearly twenty years ago actually. This song was played right before the ceremony. My best man sang it for us and was completely awesome. It was a great day and having this song play just moments before my beautiful wife walked down the aisle was just one of the perfect moments that I will remember forever.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 22

REM Everybody Hurts: Kind of a no brainer here isn’t it? This is the sort of song that I imagine people actually slit their wrists to. I doesn’t quite bring me to that level, but it can definitely darken up the wrong day.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 21

Blink 182: What’s My Age Again. For some reason this song always seems to end up on the iPod on good days. It has that great sing-along flavor and some pretty funny biting lyrics. “This state looks down on sodomy.” Classic.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 20

Kid Rock Cocky: This one is easy. There is something that just screams out about this song. It has to be played loud and it’s just the right might mix of bravado on 10 and profanity to make anger flow. The first time I heard this song I was in the middle of some daily battles on line to get my site really going and found the message to be humorous in a WWE way.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 19

The Clash: Clash City Rockers. All right, I should have looked ahead before choosing Complete Control as yesterday’s selection. That too comes from the Clash’s self-titled debut album which just happens to be my favorite. My taste in music changed the first time I heard this album. It was fast, furious, angry and completely incomprehensible.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 18

The Clash: Complete Control. OK so no one would listen to a song that played the Clash (Other than Should I Stay, London Calling or Train in Vain) but I would love it. This was always one of my favorite Clash songs. For a real laugh, check out Youtube for “misheard lyrics” for this and other Clash songs.

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 17

Eminem & Rihanna: Love the Way You Lie. This song is on the radio and on my TV all the time thanks to the shoes “Damages” promos. I happen to the like the song a lot, but it has never really sounded much like a radio hit.

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