Tag Archives: Michael Jackson

Rog Blog: 30 Days of Music Day 28

Michael Jackson: Man in the Mirror. Maybe guilty is the wrong word, because this song actually makes me feel kind of empowered. I’ve never been a big MJ fan, but this song is pretty amazing. I know he didn’t write it, but I also believe that his mega-star status really gives it teeth

Reader Email: Non-Porn Posts….Not So Bad?

Brenton didn’t like the non-porn posts, but I’m either growing on him or just hit the nail on the head with this one.

Reader Email: Who Paid for MJ’s Memorial

Les wants to know why tax payers had to pay for the MJ Memorial. Great question.

Reader Email: Thoughts on Thoughts on MJ

James has some final thoughts on MJ and misses the Pipeline.

My Thoughts on the Death of Michael Jackson

OK I finally got enough questions about MJ to go ahead and post my thoughts. The short and the long of it.

Reader Email: The Death of Michael Jackson

James writes in with this thoughts on Michael Jackson’s passing.

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